Ellysse Innovation Manager

8 May 2020by Ellysse

What does an Innovation Manager do in an IT company? Contamination!

Yes, because usually the Innovation manager is the figure with the task of guiding digitization projects or better digital innovation. At Ellysse, there is certainly no lack of digital innovation and there is also the desire to offer an always innovative and updated service to its customers. This is the goal that also drives the BOTrainer project. For this Businnes Unit, Ellysse has chosen to adopt an Open Innovation approach that can be translated into the contamination of transversal skills. Hence the collaboration with the role of Francesco Buzzoni as Innovation manager. Francesco has a long experience in the formation of new digital figures and for this reason in Ellysse he totally dedicates himself to BOTrainer, an extremely contemporary figure and at the same time ace up his sleeve in terms of customer care.

Thanks to his practical experience gained in contact with Open Innovation and with Startups as Impact Hub of Reggio Emilia, Francesco is able to opt for the best strategies to make the BOTrainer known and understand what are the areas in which the BOTrainer’s work is needed and where its pluses are more spendable.

The contamination of knowledge from different backgrounds is essential for a project such as the BOTrainer which sees its natural habitat in artificial intelligence and the sine qua non component in the human figure of those who play the role.

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