Artificial intelligence: Agreement between Unige and Iit

25 February 2021by Ellysse

2021 begins under the banner of artificial intelligence for the University of Genova which has signed an agreement with the IIT (Italian Institute of Technology).

The agreement is based on the common will to make Genova, where the Italian unit of Ellis (European laboratory for learning and intelligent System) is already active, a European hub where researchers and students can conduct artificial intelligence and machine learning projects for the benefit of the industrial and economic fabric.

This would allow Europe to compete with the US and China, very strong nations in terms of investment in AI and become a reference point in the field of digital innovation.

The projects Ellis Genova is working on are ambitious and range from the “energy sustainability of artificial intelligence” to the “development of artificial intelligence systems that meet ethical and non-discriminatory requirements, and the study of new machine learning theories”.

This ambitious project confirms a now predominant trend towards technological innovation based on AI, which is no longer just an industrial prerogative but has taken on a more institutional role. Ellysse has been investing on this front for years now: browse our blog and don’t miss our news in the field of AI and ML.

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