What it means to be a BOTrainer: from theory to practice

5 January 2021by Ellysse

Our last webinar was a real BOTreinerian practice laboratory!

Who is the conversational designer?

What are the terms of conversational design?

How important is conversational design for creating a virtual assistant?

We have answered these and other questions to provide guidance on the strategies to be implemented for creating a virtual assistant.

From theory to practice:

The time has come to put yourself in the shoes of a BOTrainer dealing with a virtual assistant project, the focus has shifted to the level of best practices for the design of the conversational flow and to the main characteristics of human-robot interaction.

And again: what if the chatbot doesn’t understand? What is the gap in its design? What can I do to make my BOT acquire more and more knowledge?

We have seen how to outline the personality of the BOT so that it respects the brand identity and the role it must play, all this passing through fundamental notions such as: knowledge domain, personality design and conversational design. The topics covered are many and the participants proved to be excellent BOTrainer, also offering food for thought and interesting insights. If you are also interested, do not miss our next initiatives, follow us on social networks and on our website!

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