What are we referring to?
The chatbot service offered by Ellysse Contatta platform counts among the machine learning engines with which Luis, the machine learning system of Microsoft which, on the occasion of the Build 2020 event, announced a toolkit available on Azure machine learning that promotes both the importance of collecting insights from private data and that of protecting identity through 3 main phases: understand protect and control. Steps to ensure a responsible process. Differential privacy algorithms or practices aimed at “dirtying the data” allow to protect the identity of who provided the information by inserting “noise”. In this way you benefit from the resources coming from the insights without violating privacy.
Anyone who decides to implement the Contact Chatbot Ellysse solution in their business would boast a system that is both productive and responsible towards its customers. Ensuring transparency and consequently trust in the consumer. This positive aspect adds to the already important benefit that a Chatbot and Voicebot solution brings in terms of customer service such as the automation of some processes, availability 24h 7/7 and therefore a service always available and attentive to customer needs.
Source: https://azure.microsoft.com/it-it/blog/build-ai-you-can-trust-with-responsible-ml/