“Everything you need in one place to grow your company” reads the caption at the opening of the services area of Mediamix, a communication and marketing agency based in Matera. The field of application of Mediamix is very broad and has chosen Ellysse as its technological partner.
Mediamix relies on Ellysse to manage the customer care of various companies. Currently, the service that covers over 90% of the resources is the one dedicated to the GLS express courier offices in Bari, Corato and Matera.
Piero Lamacchia Project manager at MMX (Mediamix, ed) tells us that
“The operators do not perform a simple switchboard service, but are responsible for managing and concluding customer requests. Thanks to the policies linked to the calling number, the calls are routed to specific operators with different priorities. All this without the customer noticing anything. When the phone call arrives, the caller’s personal data card, if present in the DB, is loaded on the operator’s back-end, where the operator fills in fields to collect information that will subsequently be statistical. For us the reliability of the system is a priority, because we cannot afford to have disservices, currently the express courier service still depends a lot on the telephone. We are evolving with Ellysse towards tools that will allow us to manage requests not only by telephone but also on instant messaging. ”
System reliability, discretion of user-operator passages, are just some of the advantages that the Ellysse solution brings to MMX’s business and that lead the company to confirm its trust in the Contatta multi-channel contact center solution.