5 rules for training the chatbot

26 July 2019by Ellysse

Starting from the assumption that the chatbot does not learn by itself, in this article we try to summarize the 5 fundamental points from which train the chatbot.
1) Who:  It is not necessary to be a developer and be familiar with programming codes and languages. The person who trains the chatbot must have in mind what the bot’s purposes are and know the topics on which to train it.
2) What: The inclusion of the FAQ is the first strategic move to start the training. If the chatbot has to provide information to repetitive requests, surely the FAQs of your site or requests for clarification / information arriving via email or from the website are a great starting point. To make the chatbot even more efficient it is recommended to implement other knowledge deriving from the analysis of the data present on CRM, Trouble ticketing, analyzing the requests managed by chat, etc.
3) Which technology: There is no single answer to this question but to understand what technology is right for you, the suggestion is to test different solutions to capture the pluses and above all to compare the results. The solution that will have the best performance and fully respond to your needs will probably be “the choice”.
4) Answer correctly: The chatbot has been designed and designed to simplify and speed up access to information. But if he does not understand what is being asked of him, there is a loss of confidence in this technology, creating frustration for the user and dissatisfaction with the brand. The chatbot must be carefully trained by creating an ad hoc knowledge base on the basis of the issues that it must be able to manage and it is important to test real comprehension skills in the field. In the event that the chatbot fails, the important thing is not to leave the user at the mercy of doubts and anxieties avoiding the feeling of being alone. The solution? Handover on a real operator who, thanks to the transcription of the conversation with the chatbot, can respond quickly without having to request information from the user.
5) Performance analysis: The training phase does not end at the same time as the solution goes live but based on continuous performance analysis, the knowledge base must be constantly updated and enriched through active learning activities carried out by the operator or BoTrainer.

To learn more about Ellysse’s chatbot solution, visit our website https://ellysse.it/en/the-solutions/chatbot_voicebot-en/ or contact us for a demo. We will be happy to help you improve your support services by actively participating in your chatbot’s training and evolutionary training.

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