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The chatbot makes the Contact Center more productive. In addition to answering user requests, it is also useful for agents themselves. Not only in terms of substitute, the bot can do more: Whisper bot is not a traditional chatbot, it works in teams with the operator to provide faster and more consistent answers. Curious to...

Methods and processes of creation: from training set to continuous learning “How do you know all these things?” Here’s what a successful conversation with a virtual agent could lead to asking. By rationally analyzing the design steps that bring our chatbot to life, we will demystify the apparent magic. To summarize, the design of a...

Ellysse ha integrato Dialogflow, tecnologia di machine learning di Google, come motore per la creazione, configurazione e gestione della propria applicazione conversazionale di ChatBot. Questa potente piattaforma permette di avviare interazioni sfruttando NLP per creare esperienze veloci, ricche e il più possibile naturali. Grazie all’integrazione di Dialogflow con il software di Contact Center Contatta, ogni...

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