19 November 2019by Ellysse

Ellysse increase the offer of “multi-channel” services for contact centers choosing the new Speech-i, solution for multi-language recognition developed by Cedat 85.
Through this choice, Ellysse completes its offer of services, with high added value, destined to mark the difference of innovative solutions for Contact Centers.
Thanks to the transformation of human dialogues into text with Speech-i API, Ellysse makes its offer of multi-channel solutions even more powerful, which, together with artificial intelligence and chatbot – complete the monitoring and analysis activities that are essential for an Omnichannel Customer Experience “tailor made “.
The competence and accuracy in the customization offered by Cedat 85, respecting the needs of customers also in the field of artificial intelligence and technologies to support productivity, were the factors that led Ellysse to integrate into its platform , the solutions of Cedat 85 for voice recognition and conversion of text into speech.
Having already been numbered in 2018 by the international research company Gartner among the top 11 Speech to Text application providers in the world and among the top 5 in Europe, Gartner has recently certified the excellence of Cedat 85 solutions also in the field of artificial intelligence and technologies to support productivity (Gartner “Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence” and “Hype Cycle for Frontline Worker Technologies).
“These international awards and experiences – explains Marco Lunghini of Ellysse – have prompted us to integrate the solutions of Cedat 85 for voice recognition within our platform. With the Cedat 85 group we share the same corporate values, which put the customer at the center of every strategy. We are able to create customized solutions to meet every need ”.
The integration of Cedat85 and Ellysse technologies has made it possible to make the qualitative leap necessary to respond in the best way to the stimuli that come from the market and become the reference point for customer service solutions based on speech-to-text systems and advanced text-to-speech.

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