Ellysse SmartWorking- Logbook: 10th month

12 January 2021by Ellysse

Smartworking together with dpcm, lockdown, webinar are terms that have strongly entered our vocabulary and we will hardly forget them, among all Smartworking has become a habit for Ellysse.

In this first ten days of January we have reached our tenth month of smartworking.

Although it has affected a vital part of the company such as the relationship between colleagues and live relationships, in our tenth month of smartworking we can proudly say that business continuity has not been compromised.

Extraordinary situations stimulate solutions and Ellysse had two main objectives: to keep the relationship with customers alive and to convey the perception of being a team. This is why it has organized weekly staff meetings and online events to let our customers know that Ellysse does not stop and continues to offer innovative ideas and services.

Especially these months of smartworking have taught us that investing in technology and facilitating remote control are one of the essential features for quality work.

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