Bot and Contact Center

Dynamic and Intelligent Interactions via
Chatbot and Voicebot!

Telegram, FB Messenger, Skype …

Multichannel without modify routing rules
Soluzione contact center integrato con Facebook Messenger

The ‘Contact Center’ solution

ellysse - Sincroni - Arricchisci le funzioni del tuo Cisco Call Manager

Enhance the features of your Cisco call manager

Ellysse - XMedius

A market leader in IP fax server solutions

Ellysse - XMedius SendSecure

The evolution of fax into the digital era

Ellysse Srl - Soluzioni multicanale per call center

With “Contact”, our ‘Contact Center’ solution, you can handle messaging or web/traditional/app calls in one single environment and save up to 70% of your time

Your contact center will need no telephones now. Move on to the WebRTC!
Call and answer through your browser!

Ellysse - Web RTC

Next-Gen Chat!

Unleash the potentials of your chat with Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Skype

Become more efficient and cut down on costs with next-generation Chatbots and Voicebots.

Automatic support from virtual conversational agents!
Creazione chatbot e voicebot per customer care

Jump the queue and don’t waste time waiting.WebRTC calls, ‘Call me back’ and visual IVR at your fingertips!

Ellysse - Cloud Contact Center omnicanale
Ellysse - Cloud Contact Center omnicanale

Find out about our Cloud solutions!

Omni-channel sCloud solution for a monthly fee

Social Wall

the latest news from our social channels
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Expand your customer experience!!!

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